
react-inky is a port of Inky, a templating language for writing HTML emails with Foundation for Emails. Writing a structurally sound HTML email requires a lot of HTML will a complex and specific table structure. Inky wraps up that structure into a set of simple HTML tags like <row>, <column>, and <button>, and converts them to the required tables. react-inky is a port of those custom components to React. With React's server-side rendering, you can produce email templates as React components with dynamic props.

To get started, install the library, and then take a look at some example templates.


react-inky is compatible with:

  • Inky version 1.3.6
  • Foundation for Emails version 2.2


If you run into an issue with react-inky, open an issue on GitHub. It's possible your issue is with inky's implementation and not react-inky's, but to be on the safe side, open an issue on react-inky's repository first.

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